How to Show your Veteran Truck Drivers They’re Appreciated
Veterans are known for having important skills including leadership, dedication, and a willingness to learn, which is why trucking companies are well known for offering jobs to the over 16.5 million veterans in the United States.
But to keep veterans behind the wheel and motivated, it’s more important than ever to focus on employee appreciation. You can apply these tips to all truck drivers, but some are geared specifically toward veterans.
Why Employee Appreciation in the Trucking Industry is Important in 2023 and Beyond
Trucking is a very beneficial career, but there is a major time commitment and a lot of work involved. Many truck drivers will:
- Work intense hours
- Spend long stretches of time away from their families
- Look beyond just salary when working for you
Trucking fleets should spend their time showing employee appreciation.
There’s a massive shortage of truckers in the industry. Demand in the field is on the rise, and with a lack of drivers, showing appreciation allows you to retain truckers in an industry where retention remains low.
Low retention is driven by two things: low pay and lack of appreciation.
However, it’s estimated that as many as 90% of truckers leave the industry within one year. This is an alarming figure, especially for fleets that pay for trucking school. Due to a massive trucker shortage and a lot of people not remaining in the career, showing employee appreciation will allow you to show truckers that you appreciate their commitment.
Veterans are some of the most dedicated truck drivers in the world.
If you show this group appreciation, you’ll find they will remain some of the longest-tenured drivers in your fleet.
5 Ways to Show Truck Drivers Appreciation
1. Special Appreciation Days
Veterans need acknowledgement. Actually, they deserve it. Hold special days of the year or even month when you appreciate them. You can block off special days of the year to:
- Hold veteran appreciation days
- Hold dinners or lunches for veterans or their families
Of course, you can hold these days for anyone in your workforce. You can get ideas to show appreciation by simply sending surveys out to your drivers and seeing what they would like to see on appreciation day.
2. Additional Benefit Options
At TCI Transportation, we have taken the initiative to show our commitment to veterans. Here are a few of the ways we thank these special members of our fleet:
- Military scholarship program, which is offered to both veterans and their family members. Serving the country or being a family member of a veteran should come with the option of bettering yourself through education.
- Care package program, in which we collect and purchase items twice a year that are then sent to brave men and women who are deployed. We include books, snacks, comfort items and even thank-you letters in this package.
- Leadership program, which is something that we’re currently working on and are very excited to reveal to the world in mid-2023.
- PTSD aid as an additional service that we offer to veterans who have come back home with PTSD.
If some of these benefits are not possible for your company, the next one is something that almost any employer can offer.
3. Host Giveaways
Giveaways are another great way to show appreciation to veteran drivers. Consider hosting giveaways every season or even every month to show your gratitude throughout the year.
Choose items that will be useful and appreciated by your drivers. Coffee tumblers, water bottles and winter gear are all great options. Some carriers host bigger giveaways once a year, which may include a big-ticket item like a weekend getaway.
Giveaways don’t have to be big and expensive, but they should be thoughtful and appealing to your drivers.
4. Create Driver Recognition Spotlights
Implementing “Driver Recognition Spotlights” can help you show appreciation to veteran drivers in a big way. Spotlights are a special way to highlight veteran drivers’ achievements and hard work.
These spotlights can be shared on social media channels. Consider asking them a few questions, such as:
- What do you enjoy most about working with us?
- What’s your favorite thing about driving?
- Why did you choose a career in trucking?
Every driver wants to be recognized for their achievements and to feel valued by their employers. Driver Recognition Spotlights can help demonstrate your appreciation.
5. Send Personalized Thank-You Videos
A sincere “thank you” can go a long way in making veteran drivers feel appreciated and respected. One special way to say “thank you” is with a personalized video of appreciation.
To really make your videos count, make them personal. Use the driver’s name and mention things that are unique to the driver, like their achievements or their families.
Consider sending these thank-you videos while your drivers are out on the road. These messages of encouragement and appreciation can help drivers stay on track and positive about their work.
The Bottom Line
It’s important to thank Veterans for their service and to recognize their hard work while driving for your company. Whether it’s through a personalized “thank you” video, driver spotlight, hosting giveaways or having special events, your veteran drivers will appreciate your gestures. Making your drivers feel valued will not only help reduce turnover but create a positive work culture.
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